Spend Informal Time with the Mentee

So, what does it look like to give mentees personal, prioritized attention?  In the following lessons, we will focus on a formal method of mentoring.  However, much of mentoring, training, and relationship-building actually takes place in informal settings, such as...

Bullhead – Special Edition

Hello, Friends! This is Author Matthew Doebler’s wife Christine.  Recently, he asked me to write about the bull-headed mentee.  Why, you ask?  Perhaps because that’s ME!  Even though I initially come across as the compliant middle child, I can stubbornly...

Set up the Mentor Session

Prepare for the mentor session by setting the mentor schedule and location, preparing your heart for the session, and preparing for the session itself. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group once said, “If you ask any successful business person, they will always...

Same Stuff, Different Day – Special Edition

This is a tale of two “s” words.  The first one occurred in first grade.  On classmates’ birthdays, our teacher would make a big birthday card out of construction paper which we would all sign throughout the day.  As one particular card was getting passed around,...