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The Smallest Knight

By Matthew Doebler and Allie Lyo 

I was recently asked to sum up the theme of this book in five words or less.  That was more difficult than I thought, but, in the end, my response was, “Courage, even alone.”  Masaca heard his father say that he, a seemingly helpless little boy, was a knight.  But to believe that when the villagers laughed at him and to chase the bad guys down all on his own took a special kind of courage.  I was inspired to write such a message for my grandson, Oliver Thomas, because it seems to me that children growing up in our broken world will need generous doses of Masaca’s audacity.  But how do you come by and sustain such courage in the face of countless challenges?  By listening to the voice of One infinitely stronger, wiser, and braver than you, One who is willing to join you in doing what is right because He loves you with an eternal love. 

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