In my last post, I asked,  “Who pastors the pastors?”

For the past decade, Pastor Daron Lindemann has coached my husband and the other missionaries on our Asia One Team.  Daron’s energy and enthusiasm for the Gospel is contagious.  He adores his wife, Cara, and shepherds both his biological family and his spiritual family (CrossLife in Pflugerville,Texas) with wisdom and compassion.  He models a mature walk with Jesus.  More than once he has intervened when our family was at a turning point or in crisis.  He asks the deep questions of a coach, focusing on spiritual, emotional, and physical resilience

Spiritual: Full-time pastors have the amazing privilege of getting paid to study, pray, and proclaim God’s Word every day.  Passion for the things of God is what led them to their vocation.  But spiritual fervor can wax and wane for anyone, pastors included.  By taking a spiritual inventory, Daron helps them identify areas where their spiritual fervor has cooled, and  applies Law and Gospel.  He holds them accountable to implement daily spiritual practices, and encourages them to hold fast until the Spirit once again puts wind in their sails.   

Emotional: Stress and anxiety are parts of any profession, but the Enemy of our souls has his sights laser-focused on those who lead.  What better way to ensnare those who follow than to trip up the leader into unmanaged emotions?   One particularly useful technique Daron applies is the IVA method to detox from “stinking thinking.”  First you Identify where you are struggling, then you Validate your emotions, and then you Align them to the Truth of God’s Word.   A clear mind and sound heart will weather storms and have the capacity to process, create, and articulate the gospel effectively.

Physical: Woe to the spouse who tries to be their spouse’s accountability partner in anything, but particularly in caring for their physical health.  “Hey honey, why don’t you hit the gym?” said no wise spouse ever.  Daron holds Matt accountable for his diet, sleep, and exercise routine.  Daron gets to be his coach, so I can be his wife. It’s a beautiful arrangement.  

Does this mean I’ve abdicated all of my spousal responsibilities to Daron?  Not at all.  I am Matt’s helpmate in all things–now more than ever in this season of Empty Nesting.   But I am not Matt’s only person.  We are interdependent: first on God, then on one another, and then on an entire army of friends and family.  Our network of godly men and women who speak into our lives is one of God’s greatest blessings.  You’ll meet some of our mentors in forthcoming podcasts.  

Two final notes on Daron.  Not only does he coach, but he HAS a coach. (Remember Rick?) In Gospel-Centered Mentoring, every Paul has a Timothy and every Timothy a Paul.  And finally,  Daron and his wife Cara suffer well.  Currently Cara is fighting cancer.  We’ve been following her health journey and continue to be encouraged by the Lindemann’s faith and their testimony to the goodness of God in heart-wrenching circumstances. 

Would you please join us in praying for these dear friends?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for godly mentors!  In Hebrews chapter 11, You have applauded those who model the Christian life.  We know we can’t be perfect, but we want to be faithful.  Thanks for those who speak the truth in love over us, like Daron.  We pray that you would please bring healing to our sister Cara, according to Your gracious will, and assure the Lindemanns and all of us of Your power, presence, and providence.  May Your Name be glorified in this and every hardship! 

In Jesus’ Name.  Amen. 


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