
We left Chiang Mai on June 10, bound for the UK wedding of our daughter Maddie to Ashley Garfitt.  Chiang Mai was a wonderful home for us: a friendly and affordable city that welcomed our ministry teams, along with friends that became like family through the pandemic. We are finding that farewells become increasingly difficult as we age since we have a deeper appreciation of the friendships we are leaving behind.  We anticipated the goodbyes with our loved ones in Thailand, UK and the States, but the unexpected Heavenly departure of our dear friend and mentor, Pastor Steve Witte, is a grief that will remain with us for a very long time.  Our being in World Missions these past 10 years and now in Australia was largely due to his influence and vibrant prayer life.  Steve  had a beautiful way of making Sisters in Christ feel seen, heard, and valued as ministry partners, coupled with a deep and abiding faith in the promises and provision of God.  It’s in this spirit that we press on, as Steve would have wanted.

Training with Teammates

Christine spent the better part of two weeks in Minnesota, preparing for her new role as Evangelist for Friends Network.  After 25 years of sending missionaries into foreign mission fields, Friends Network has honed its training program.  Long-time friend and head of Friends Network, Aaron Wakeman, masterfully mixed cross-cultural classroom teaching with practical experience.  One highlight was visiting a Somali-owned mall, which produced deep conversations (and some henna tattoos!) that were invaluable for gaining insight into cross-cultural ministry. To learn more about Christine’s work with Friends Network, you can sign up for her newsletter and/or become a ministry partner at

G-Day, Mates!

 We arrived in Brisbane with our teammates Peter and Alanna Janke, along with their boys Marvin and Jonas, after a long 14-hour flight from LA.  We’ve been house-hunting, shopping for cars, filling out every form known to man, meeting people, and thanking God for safe passage.  We’re stepping out in faith, confident that He won’t leave us hanging! 


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