Because Koalas are reclusive, it’s a rare treat to glimpse one in the wild.  They also sleep up to 20 hours per day, usually tucked high up in the crook of a tree branch.  So, it’s quite difficult to spot them even when they are around. When we first arrived in Australia, the locals informed us that Koala sightings would be rare; we shouldn’t expect to see many, if any at all. 

For our initial two weeks Down Under, we hiked Mt. Gravatt nearly every morning.  One of the first days, we met a lady who tramps the mountain trails daily.  As she passed by, she informed us that she had scratched arrows into the path ahead, pointing the way to Koalas.  Sure enough, we discovered two dusty arrows and a set of fuzzy Koala buns nestled in the branches above.  From that day on, we would spot arrows on the trail every time we hiked.  Occasionally, the arrows were expired and the little guy had moved on; he was probably sleeping in another tree.  But, quite often, with a bit of hunting, we could glimpse a beachball-sized bundle of fur resting in the heights.

In the end, we saw 8 or more koalas in two weeks, far more than the locals prophesied—all because of the Arrow Lady.  How her Cuddly Radar worked, I will never know, but she gifted us with a glimpse of one of God’s bizarre Aussie creations, and we were thrilled. 

The Arrow Lady reminds me of mentoring. In several years of mentoring and being mentored, I have noticed that mentees often have difficulty spotting their own shortcomings, sins, blessings, and Spirit-led goodness.  We are often too focused on the path ahead to notice the dangers or the joys in the trees around us.  A fellow traveler who isn’t stuck in your steps has time and perspective to examine your environment and spot what you miss.  She more easily notices issues obscured by the foliage of our failures and faults. “It seems that you may be self-medicating with food and Netflix.  What do you think?”  “Don’t miss the ways that God has utilized this struggle to increase your wisdom.”  “I see Christ working powerfully through you at work, in spite of the setbacks!”  Like the Arrow Lady, the mentor points to truths that you may have passed right by because the “Koalas” in your life are sometimes hid in the trees. 

The Bible is filled with examples of these Arrow People.  Nathan helped King David recognize his sin.  Paul confronted Peter with his gospel-less attitude.  Barnabas encouraged the humiliated Mark to give missions another go.  Pricilla and Aquila encouraged the inexperience preacher Apollos to tighten up his doctrine. 

Mentors, you are Arrow People.  Point your mentees to what they are missing, whether using a trembling finger of the law or a gentle hand of the gospel.  Give it to ‘em straight. They will thank you in the end.

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