Episode 4: Mission Strategy and the Person of Peace | Pastor Larry Schlomer
Guest: Pastor Larry Schlomer, Administrator of World Missions for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Topics: Evolution of mission strategies in recent decades Key differences between ministry in the US and mission work abroad Importance of multiplication...
The Thirty-Minute Mentor, Part 2
Welcome to our three-part series introducing a simple gospel-centered mentoring method that can be used to give inquisitive Christians a powerful taste of the blessings of mentoring. You will find Part 1 here. Step 3: Prayer Once you have listened to the mentee’s...
The Thirty-Minute Mentor, Part 1
Welcome to our three-part series introducing a simple gospel-centered mentoring method that can be used to give inquisitive Christians a powerful taste of the blessings of mentoring. I believe that the most effective gospel-centered mentoring develops through training...
God Loves Nobodies
Good News for Somebody Like Me
If we really understood who we are and whose we are, life would be totally different. We are nobodies by nature but real somebodies in Jesus Christ, God’s own children and coheirs with Him.
Listen to an Interview about the book on Gird Up! Podcast on Spotify
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