Bullhead – Special Edition

Hello, Friends! This is Author Matthew Doebler’s wife Christine.  Recently, he asked me to write about the bull-headed mentee.  Why, you ask?  Perhaps because that’s ME!  Even though I initially come across as the compliant middle child, I can stubbornly...

Spend Informal Time with the Mentee

So, what does it look like to give mentees personal, prioritized attention?  In the following lessons, we will focus on a formal method of mentoring.  However, much of mentoring, training, and relationship-building actually takes place in informal settings, such as...

Prepare Your Heart for the Session

Often, when you think about meeting with mentees, you might consider first what they will need spiritually and emotionally during the session.  Perhaps you contemplate the challenges they might be working through or the sins they are struggling with and how you can...

Maximize Online Mentor Sessions

Sometimes, distance or other complications make it difficult to meet with mentees face-to-face.  If you want to keep a pattern of bi-weekly mentor sessions, you may need to meet with them online.[1]  Understandably, many mentors who are compelled to meet online mourn...