15 Ask the Mentee Good Questions

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

A Reading from Meh to Meaningful, My New Book Draft

I’m looking for feedback on sections of my new book draft “Meh to Meaningful.” What can you identify with? What is unclear? What do you want more of? What recommendations or ideas do you have? Help me craft a powerful tool for people who feel “meh” and want to...

Have a Listen to Meh to Meaningful, My New Book Draft

I’m looking for feedback on sections of my new book draft “Meh to Meaningful.” What can you identify with? What is unclear? What do you want more of? What recommendations or ideas do you have? Help me craft a powerful tool for people who feel “meh” and want to...

14 Listening Well to the Mentee

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

13 Review the Mentee’s Progress

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Follow the Arrow Lady!

Because Koalas are reclusive, it’s a rare treat to glimpse one in the wild.  They also sleep up to 20 hours per day, usually tucked high up in the crook of a tree branch.  So, it’s quite difficult to spot them even when they are around. When we first arrived in...

12 Stand in for Christ

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

11 Fill up the Mentee with Encouragement

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Stand in for Christ in the Mentor Session

Sainted professor John Jeske liked to tell the story of a little boy who feared the dark.  Every night, he woke up in a panic and cried out for his parents.  Mom would rush in to soothe him and assure him that he was safe because God was there with him.  Finally, one...

10 Prepare for the Mentor Session

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

09 Nurture a Meaningful Relationship with the Mentee

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Goodbyes and G’days

Goodbyes We left Chiang Mai on June 10, bound for the UK wedding of our daughter Maddie to Ashley Garfitt.  Chiang Mai was a wonderful home for us: a friendly and affordable city that welcomed our ministry teams, along with friends that became like family through the...

08 Prepare Yourself to Mentor

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

07 The Realms of Gospel-Centered Mentoring

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Share a Devotional Thought in the Mentor Session

One important way to set a gospel-predominant tone for the mentor session is to share a devotional thought with the mentee.  There are a few ways to do this depending on the amount of time you have to prepare beforehand as well as your level of comfort with the...

06 GCM Principles 6 and 7

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

05 GCM Principle 5

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Identity Issues for Pastors Part 2

Before the pandemic, I went in for a medical check-up.  It had been years.  You know—needles, peeing in a cup, prodding, jabbing—I had better things to do.  But it was time.  When you start your yearly check-ups at year 49, they upsell you on the Platinum Package—at...

04 GCM Principles 3 and 4

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Identity Issues for Pastors Part 1

Introduction Same-name meetups are a thing now, thanks to Facebook and Instagram.  Take the Josh Fight, for example, a charity fundraiser where dozens of “Josh”es brawl with pool noodles for the right to be called “Josh”.  Recently, 256 people named “Milica Jovanovic”...

03 GCM Principles 1 and 2

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

02 What is Wholeheartedness in GCM?

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

01 Introduction to GCMentoring

In these 18 brief videos we introduce you to the basics of Gospel-Centered Mentoring by explaining: 1) what Gospel-Centered mentoring is (7 videos) 2) how to prepare yourself and your mentee for the mentoring relationship (2 videos) and 3) how to facilitate a mentor...

Last Call to Become a Gospel-Centered Mentor for Free

Dear Supporters of Gospel-Centered Mentoring! This is the last chance to take my new Udemy course, “Become a Gospel-Centered Mentor,” for FREE! I am looking for students who are willing to test out the course for me, so I can fix any glitches, edit any misprints, and...

Want to Become a Gospel-Centered Mentor?

Dear Supporters of Gospel-Centered Mentoring! You are invited to take my new Udemy course, “Become a Gospel-Centered Mentor,” now available for FREE! I am looking for students who are willing to test out the course for me, so I can fix any glitches, edit any...

GCM 01-03 Pastor Daron Lindemann

Have you ever wondered what the term Gospel-centered mentoring actually means?  Today we are talking with Pastor Daron Lindemann, one of the founders of CrossTrain Ministries, a coaching network for pastors.  Daron does a fantastic job explaining how Gospel-Centered...

Mentoring through Eastern Eyes

The following guest article is written by my good friend and coworker, Pastor Zhao, who currently serves in East Asia. I continue to really appreciate his ability to understand the difference between Western and Eastern cultures and what we can learn from each other....

Like My New Author Page on Facebook!

I have just started a new Author Page on Facebook. I invite you to follow me there for updates on my forthcoming books, “Gospel-Centered Mentoring” and “The People’s Bible Devotions,” as well as information for my newest book about following Christ meaningfully. Click...

GCM 01-02 Ann and Lowell Tolly

What does it look like to serve God faithfully in your 60’s? In your 70’s or 80’s?  Sometimes as Christians we can develop a retirement mindset when it comes to our spiritual lives.  But today you’ll get to meet a retired couple that is sprinting to the finish line,...

Remember the Social/Vocational Realm

It’s heart breaking to hear people say “I’m only a _______” in relation to their God-given vocations.  “I’m only a mom.”  “I’m only a layperson in the church.”  “I’m only a waiter.”  “I’m only a low-level engineer.”  What a pity more Christians don’t see the privilege...

Prepare Yourself for Gospel-Centered Mentoring

Set the stage for gospel-centered mentoring by becoming a gospel-centered model and finding your own mentor. In the movie Kung Fu Panda, the wicked snow leopard Tai Lung has escaped prison and threatens to destroy a peaceful civilization.  The lazy, clumsy, chubby...

Find Your Own Mentor

In addition to your regular devotional time with God, it’s important to have your own mentor.  Here’s a useful mantra for any Christian who seeks to mentor others:  “Every Paul has his Timothy; and every Timothy, his Paul” (see 2 Timothy 1:1-14).  If you are going to...

Set up the Mentor Session

Prepare for the mentor session by setting the mentor schedule and location, preparing your heart for the session, and preparing for the session itself. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group once said, “If you ask any successful business person, they will always...

Bullhead – Special Edition

Hello, Friends! This is Author Matthew Doebler's wife Christine.  Recently, he asked me to write about the bull-headed mentee.  Why, you ask?  Perhaps because that's ME!  Even though I initially come across as the compliant middle child, I can stubbornly resist change...

Spend Informal Time with the Mentee

So, what does it look like to give mentees personal, prioritized attention?  In the following lessons, we will focus on a formal method of mentoring.  However, much of mentoring, training, and relationship-building actually takes place in informal settings, such as...

Same Stuff, Different Day – Special Edition

This is a tale of two “s” words.  The first one occurred in first grade.  On classmates’ birthdays, our teacher would make a big birthday card out of construction paper which we would all sign throughout the day.  As one particular card was getting passed around,...

Maximize Online Mentor Sessions

Sometimes, distance or other complications make it difficult to meet with mentees face-to-face.  If you want to keep a pattern of bi-weekly mentor sessions, you may need to meet with them online.[1]  Understandably, many mentors who are compelled to meet online mourn...

Roll Credits!

I just love watching heist movies, like “Oceans Eleven”, “the Italian Job”, and the old classic, “The Sting”.  The plots essentially follow the same flow:  the good guys have been humiliated by the bad guys in some way, and the good guys are determined to rob the bad...

Prepare Your Heart for the Session

Often, when you think about meeting with mentees, you might consider first what they will need spiritually and emotionally during the session.  Perhaps you contemplate the challenges they might be working through or the sins they are struggling with and how you can...

Prepare for the Session Itself

In addition to preparing your own heart for the mentor session, there are some important steps to preparing for the session itself.  While these steps need not take long, please be intentional about them so you can capitalize on your time together with the mentee. ...

GCM Episode 01-01 Dr. Rhoda Wolle

Find Dr. Wolle’s latest book, “Designed on Purpose for a Purpose, ” on Amazon Dr. Rhoda Wolle currently serves as Vice President for Organizational Development at Kingdom Workers. For more about seeing God’s work in the lives of mentees, see this article! For more...

Begin the Mentor Session in a Relaxed Way

Hagar was a nobody, an Egyptian slave woman, single and pregnant, cast out into the wilderness by her masters to fend for herself.  She was hopeless…until God appeared to her and promised to bless her beyond anything she could ever have asked for or imagined.  Genesis...

A Pastor of Pastors

In my last post, I asked,  “Who pastors the pastors?” For the past decade, Pastor Daron Lindemann has coached my husband and the other missionaries on our Asia One Team.  Daron’s energy and enthusiasm for the Gospel is contagious.  He adores his wife, Cara, and...

Grace upon Grace

John 1:16 I think American expats have all experienced some strange Christmas sights in Asia.  Purple lights on glittery pink pine trees.  Santa Claus in the sweltering Summer heat.  For many Asian companies (like American companies), Christmas is just...

Interlude – Excerpt from “God Loves Nobodies”

Some of you might be old enough to remember the opening montage of the classic television show, ABC’s Wide World of Sports. And if you remember that, you undoubtedly remember hearing the phrase “the agony of defeat.” You can probably still see it in your mind’s eye:...